Rose Bouquets
You can’t go wrong with a big, beautiful bouquet of roses. A timeless classic underlined with rich symbolism, roses are the perfect flower to put a smile on your loved one’s face.
Order Rose Bouquets Online
Send a beautiful bouquet of roses from Plumeria! The plush petals and formidable fragrance make long stemmed roses one of the most beloved blooms of all time. With a variety of colors and bloom types, roses are always a perfect choice for sending flowers.
The Meaning of Roses
Red Roses – The enduring sign of romantic love expressing passion and desire.
- Pink Roses – A great ‘thinking of you’ flower as they stand for grace and appreciation.
- White Roses – A classic wedding bloom representing loyalty and innocence, perfect for an anniversary bouquet.
- Yellow Roses – As the classic symbol of friendship and joy they are the perfect flower for a ‘happy birthday’ celebration.